Bachelor of Economics

General Information

In all eras, there was the problem of production, distribution and consumption, but economics did not exist. Along with the transformation of commercial capitalism into industrial capitalism in the 18th century, there was a need for organization. In this way, economic theories were expanded and it was in this direction that Adam Smith expressed economic principles and laws in a scientific way and by writing the book Wealth of Nations in 1776, he founded the science of economics and became the father of economics.

Scarcity of production resources is a basic principle of human economic life. The exact meaning of this principle is that nature and human labor have not and do not have the ability to answer and satisfy all human demands to an unlimited extent. On the other hand, human needs regarding goods and services are unlimited.

Therefore, for every community, this important economic problem arises, how to allocate scarce resources to satisfy the demands that compete with each other, so that as much as possible those demands are met. The scientific and coherent explanation of these issues is the mission of economics.

Economic knowledge provides scientific and theoretical solutions and practical adaptations for the liberation of human societies from the grip of poverty, misery, deprivation and access to economic growth and development. Poverty, unemployment, underdevelopment and economic backwardness are the pain that the people of Afghanistan have tasted more than any other country in the world.

Considering the scarcity of resources and facilities and the lack of capacity and human capital necessary for proper exploitation of the limited resources available, the need of this country for human capital specialized in scientific fields such as: economy and trade, economic growth and development, fight against poverty, and the creation of employment is more noticeable than before.

Bachelor of Economics was a part of two programs that started their scientific activities in 2010.

This program is intended for the male and female class, which has completed 18 graduation rounds so far (1158 students) and has the following two fields:

1. Financial and Banking: 158 Credits
2. Business Administration: 157 Credits

The dean of this faculty is under the responsibility of Mr. Nasratullah "Bassam" and its teaching management is under the responsibility of Mr. Samiullah "Ibrahimi".

Strategic Plan of the Economics Faculty (1399-1403)


Catalog of the Economics Faculty


Operational / Adaptive Plan - 1401



Obtaining the highest scientific position in the country and region to provide quality academic and research services in economic and management sciences.


Providing quality academic services in economic and management sciences in a theoretical and practical way through the best teaching method to train specialized and committed staff in the society.


The curriculum of this program based on the credit system is as follows:

- Financial and Banking Department


- Business Administration Department


Fee Information

Dawat University is proud to provide the best and most comprehensive academic services at a high level to its students by receiving the lowest tuition fees among the universities and higher education institutions of the country.

Newly enrolled students are required to pay their fees in the financial department within one week after the entrance exam results are announced. The fee payment time is at the beginning of the semester and it is received based on the current currency of the country (Afghani).

# Subject Main Fee Discount Fee after Discount
1 Kankor Registration 200 0 200
2 University entrance fee (only once) 2,000 0 2,000
3 Tuition fee (per semester) 20,000 8,000 12,000
4 Monograph (only once) 4,000 0 4,000
5 Certificate (only once) 500 0 500
Total Cost: 166,700 64,000 118,700

Note: The discount on the semester fee is for one study period.


The required books of the Faculty of Economics were purchased and stored from publishing sources and bookstores according to the needs of the departments of this university, and they are listed according to the topics and titles, and they are at the service of the students for further use.

This library is equipped with books, magazines, daily news and other scientific topics, which is open to students and professors from 8:00 AM to 7:30 PM.

# Language of Books Number of Books
1 Arabic 29
2 Dari 18
3 Pashto 14
Total: 61

Contact Information of Administrative and Academic staff

# Full Name Position Phone Number Email
1 Nasratullah Bassam Dean of Faculty 0793156315 -
2 Ghulam Farooq Sediqi Diractorate of Financial and Banking 0779792257
3 Abdul Sami Ibrahimi Teaching Manager 0795373706
4 Sayf Rahman Bassam Professor 0730650008 -
5 Feda Mohammad Arya Professor 0728749474
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